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EdQuest Provides The Education That Regular Schools Forgot
We bring up happy and confident children by instantly
developing, improving, and strengthening the relationship with
your teens and children!
At EdQuest, learning is a lifelong journey
The EdQuest curriculum and method of teaching and learning are designed to unleash the fullest potential of your child’s holistic development. As educators, it is important to encourage students to continue lifelong learning by attending quality continuing education that goes beyond the classroom.
This approach can help a child advance their career and stay ahead of the competition. In an uncertain and ever-changing world, it is important that a learner gains a competitive edge in the industry. We need to keep up to date and sharpen our skills continuously if we want to stay relevant and these are habits of highly successful individuals.
The EdQuest Difference
Students have a better mastery rate compared to regular schools. Students are trained to be independent from an early age and our program has radically transformed how education is delivered by the way how we consume information and learn. Our educators take a deep dive with the students to ensure that they learn for mastery rather than just the academic requirements of regurgitating information. We prepare students by providing a fusion of the Western Education system with Asian values so that they do not lose their identity, culture, and heritage in a globally diverse society. We nurture the deep, meaningful bonds that your child yearns for.
Live the Vision
Our mission is to create better learners that go beyond the 21st century. Despite how successful our model has been, there’s still room for growth. The company started out in 2018 and is growing positively. EdQuest’s innovation has helped both current and future generations of students learn more efficiently.
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